What is Neighbourhood Planning?
The Localism Act has reformed the planning system to give local people new rights to shape the development of their own communities. Parish and Town Councils can now prepare a Neighbourhood Plan to be adopted as part of the Local Planning Authority’s Development Framework and will be used to determine planning applications. On the following link you can find a post about how to plan an agenda.
Blandford Forum Town Council has agreed to act as the lead council in preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for Blandford Forum and surrounding parishes. Blandford St Mary, Bryanston and Pimperne Parish Councils have agreed to work with the Town Council to prepare a Plan that is beneficial to the community to preserve and enhance this part of North Dorset.
Why prepare a Neighbourhood Plan?
Preparing a Neighbourhood Plan will aid communities in shaping development in their area. It will bring residents, elected representatives and community groups together and can also create lasting partnerships.
The DT11 Community Partnership has already confirmed that their expertise and support is available should the Town and Parish Councils require it to develop our Neighbourhood Plan. The Town and Parish Councils have welcomed their offer and also look forward to involving residents, businesses, landowners and developers. If you would like to be involved in preparing the Neighbourhood Plan for Blandford Forum and surrounding parishes please do not hesitate to contact Blandford Forum Town Council.
How to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan?
North Dorset District Council (NDDC) has identified model guidance that will assist the Town and Parish Councils to be able to start the process. The guidance can be obtained by following the link below:
Our Neighbourhood Plan must accord with NDDC Core Strategy. Currently NDDC is planning to carry out targeted consultations at the beginning of June 2012 in light of the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The consultation will only be targeted at three key areas in the Draft Core Strategy namely, overall housing numbers, growth in villages, and the strategic housing allocation in Gillingham only. Free submission consultations will take place at the end of the year in light of the NPPF. With this in mind the Town and Parish Councils have decided to collectively formulate a response to NDDC, before the Draft Core Strategy is adopted so that it reflects what the community wants.